trait Logger {
def log(msg: String) }class ConsoleLogger extends Logger with Serializable{
def log(msg: String) {println(msg)} }注意,没有implements,用extends就好了,另外,这里其实也是override,但是不需要写上。log在Logger当中是抽象的,如果要实现多个trait,用with连上就行了。另外,跟java一样,一个父类+若干个Interface
trait Logger {
def log(msg: String) {println(msg)} }class Account(val name: String, val password: String) extends Logger {
def check() = {log("Account = " + name + " and password = " + password); name == "bajie" && password == "change" } }object Account {
def main(args: Array[String]) { val acc = new Account("bajie", "change") acc.check } }前一节当中,对trait的使用,类似于java的interface。那么本节当中,它该怎么理解?
trait Logger {
def log(msg: String) {} }trait ConsoleLogger extends Logger {
override def log(msg: String) {println(msg)} }class Account(val name: String, val password: String) extends Logger {
def check() = {log("Account = " + name + " and password = " + password); name == "bajie" && password == "change" } }object Account {
def main(args: Array[String]) { val acc = new Account("bajie", "change") acc.check val acc1 = new Account("bajie", "change") with ConsoleLogger acc1.check } }又做了一些修改, Logger.log有一个空实现, ConsoleLogger.log干了活了, Account 混合了 Logger ,所以 acc.check ,并不做输出的工作,而 val acc1 = new Account("bajie", "change") with ConsoleLogger ,acc1.check有输出了。
trait Logger {
def getLog: String = "I am the root; " }trait ConsoleLogger extends Logger {
override def getLog = super.getLog + "Something happend " }trait TimeLogger extends Logger{
override def getLog = super.getLog + "at " + new Date() + " " }class Account(val name: String, val password: String) extends Logger {
def check() = {println(getLog); name == "bajie" && password == "change" } }object Account {
def main(args: Array[String]) { val acc1 = new Account("bajie", "change") with TimeLogger with ConsoleLogger acc1.check val acc2 = new Account("bajie", "change") with ConsoleLogger with TimeLogger acc2.check } }最后是输出
I am the root;
I am the root; at Fri Aug 12 01:32:24 PDT 2016 Something happend I am the root; Something happend at Fri Aug 12 01:32:24 PDT 2016体会一下吧,说不清楚了!
五、interface + abstract class
trait Logger {
def log(message: String) def info(message: String) {println(message)} }class Account extends Logger {
var accName = "bajie" var accPass = "change" def check() = { info("a user login "); accName == "bajie" && accPass == "change"}def log(message: String) { println(message) }
}在这里Logger,既是一个interface,又是一个abstract class。Account可以直接使用info方法,又必须自己实现log方法。
trait Logger {
def log(message: String) def info(message: String) {println(message)} val logLevel: Int val maxlength = 20 }class Account extends Logger {
var accName = "bajie" var accPass = "change" def check() = {info("a user login "); accName == "bajie" && accPass == "change"}def log(message: String) { println(message) }
val logLevel = 3 }和前面一节类似,属性也有具体和抽象之分,具体字段可以再Account当中直接使用,抽象字段必须具体化。